Friday, February 20, 2009

GCF Thailand site visit missive 1-20-09

The following missive continues Campus to Campus Connections activities between the campuses in Vermont USA and the Campuses in Chiang Mai Thailand. We hope that the reader enjoys these short updates and information to enhance their further understanding of the educational work on behalf of GCF. As we conduct this current site visit the successes and challenges experienced by all involved continue to demonstrate the value and importance of this work. Thank you for your interest and participation. JRT

Sawadee from “The Land of Smiles”,

Why the Land of Smiles?

Thailand is sometimes referred to as the land of smiles. We think it is because the Thai citizens are smiling all the time. Life is to be enjoyed it seems. We also think that because the climate is so nice and there is so much beauty as you look around it just makes you smile a lot. Today is January 20th and right now as we write we can look out the windows at beautiful green trees with many different blossoms. There are also large plants with flowers of many colors and they all produce a wonderful sweet smell in the air. As you hear this description I know how different it is from what you see and feel in the beautiful Vermont winter. The temperature range for today will be a low of 60 degrees Fahrenheit and a high of 85 degrees Fahrenheit. So we are sending you all warm thoughts from this warm place.

Global Campus Chiang Mai

This past week we had the privilege of opening an all day seminar conducted by Global Campus Chiang Mai. The group of participants represented the five recognized areas of disability issues visual, hearing, learning, physical and mental challenges. The curriculum topic was to gather their voices about how to improve the technology of communications such as phone service, computer access, and other forms of communication that are used by persons who have challenges that are sometimes a disability. After our opening presentation the participants asked us many questions about the Global Campuses in the USA and what services are available to support persons who experience disability. We enjoyed sharing about your campus activities, and all the participants requested that we hold another seminar for further conversations. So Campus to Campus Connections is growing here in Thailand.

Exciting experience for us!

Last night at about 8 pm there were five helicopters that flew right over our apartment. We are living on the 8th floor at the end of a soi( side street). They landed at the airport about two miles from where we live. Across the street from us is a new fancy hotel that just opened. We noticed that there were many police and military solders all over the place. Soon we understood why they were there. The Princess was arriving and we think staying at this new hotel. We watched from our balcony and soon she did arrive with her entourage. An entourage is the many friends and officials that travel with the Princess wherever she goes. There were about 25 police cars and another 25 fancy cars. We watched and soon her car was the first to pull up to the hotel. By now there was a crowd of onlookers and as she got out of the car we could see her. It was quite exciting for us to see a member of the royal family right across the street from were we are living. The Princess is here in Chiang Mai to hand out diplomas at Chiang Mai University on Thursday. So Last night we saw the Princess of Thailand and tonight we will watch the inauguration of Barack Obama. We are very proud to be American citizens and there is much excitement all over the world. Thank you for listening to our update to you all. Please feel free to ask us questions and know that we often think of you and your great campuses.

Sawadee from,
Jim & Sherry

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