The relationship began with a common neighborhood – and quickly became a consulting engagement – but without the typical large price tag. In fact, Richard was so inspired by the impact of the young Global Campuses Foundation, he offered his services for free.
That was just the beginning of what would grow into nearly ten years of involvement and support by both Richard and his wife Phyllis. Both have vast and varied experience with global organizations and education. They met while doing Peace Corp work many years ago, and both continue to focus on neglected populations, holding a fundamental belief in the value of every human being. Dr. Richard Forbes did his doctoral research while spending seven years in Trinidad and studying with a guru. He feels that his values are strongly aligned with those of Global Campuses.
Richard has a strong interest in unique methods of education for any disenfranchised groups. He found his GCF consulting time to be an “extraordinary experience”, although he was skeptical at first. He saw the profound impact on the clients, and how empowered they were by their Global Campus work. Richard was especially inspired by how engaged the participants were. They took ownership of the campus and did things the way they wanted. He saw individuals who were distant and non-participatory become engaged and totally transformed. “In nearly forty years of working with groups and organizations throughout the world, I have never before witnessed such an enthusiastic outpouring of positive energy and such uniformly positive feedback as I experienced during my time at two of the Global Campuses.”
When comparing GCF to other organizations seeking support, the Forbes are drawn to GCF because it is also rooted in the fundamental belief in the value of every human being. The Tewksbury’s belief that given the opportunity, individuals will rise up to take charge of their lives – and will grow and develop as human beings, resonates strongly with them. No matter where we start from, we should all have that opportunity, they believe.
Phyllis works with USAID, which requires that she be networked with leaders throughout the world who address urgent challenges facing societies today. The depth of her connections and the breadth of her experience make her a prime candidate as a GCF board member. Phyllis has expressed her willingness to contribute her time and knowledge, as GCF begins board development activities. She has provided connections with leaders in the area of board development, and recently hosted a wonderful introductory meeting.
At one time, Richard & Phyllis donated a Plymouth Voyager van to the Foundation. The campus participants had a critical need for more transportation options, and the Forbes’ wanted to help in the best way possible. They have made many financial contributions to GCF over the years as well – motivated by the fact that the money was put to such good use, going directly into impacting more lives through program support.
More recently, the Forbes’ have offered yet another unique contribution to GCF. They manage commercial property, and currently provide the GCF headquarter space in Randolph at a fraction of the market value of the property. This allows GCF to continue to optimize the amount of support dollars that are used for campus operations.
Richard’s recommendation to others considering a contribution to GCF: Meet some of the participants, and witness the transformation. Whether attending a certificate event at the end of the term, or a conference event, such as the one being planned for Randolph this August, you will see a model that helps people get in touch with their strengths and develop them, with transformative results.
To make a donation to GCF, please visit our website at www.globalcampuses.org
To learn more about a monthly contribution plan, please contact us at info@globalcampuses.org
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