“We are delighted to support GCF because GCF focuses
on what participants CAN do, not what they can’t.”

“Global Campuses Foundation does not abide by the common conception – misconception, really – that people with differing abilities are limited,” GCF donors, Nancy and Steve Edwards told us. “Mainstream thinking is, ‘You are handicapped; we’ll make allowances for you but you can’t do what ‘normal’ people do.’ GCF rejects that completely. Their philosophy is, ‘What interests and motivates you? You can learn more about it. Then you can teach others about it.’”
“You have to see GCF participants in action to truly understand the remarkable work this organization is doing.” That’s how Nancy and Steve feel about the work Global Campuses Foundation does in Vermont and Thailand. They attended a GCF conference a few years ago that changed their perspective forever. Even though they have been supporters of GCF since it was just a concept, they reached a new level of understanding of the Global Campus experience directly from the participants themselves.
“Most notable about the conference, I was struck by the joy the participants had,” Steve remembers. “Adults with differing abilities were front and center through the entire event, engaged at their own levels, educating the very large audience. They had set the bar for themselves very high and they delivered a great experience.” In all their interactions with GCF, the Edwards have come to recognize that there is no “them and us” – rather it is all “us”.
“We attended classes the participants led in breakout sessions at the conference,” says Steve. “As teachers, GCF participants were totally engaged, focused, and completely capable of sharing their knowledge.” For example, one young man gave a well thought out presentation on wildlife with special focus on birds.
It is the philosophies of Global Campuses Foundation that keep Nancy and Steve coming back year after year to support educational experiences, and life transformations, for many participants. They have been challenged to turn their own thinking upside down – to remove borders between people who are much more alike than different – and to question the practice of marginalizing groups of people. Everybody has dreams – everybody has skills.
Nancy is no stranger to educational environments. She has been a Reiki teacher for 17 years and has her own practice. She specializes in “energy work” of various kinds. Nancy’s travels brought her to Global Campus Chiang Mai several years ago, where she became familiar with many participant stories there. Steve is an advertising copywriter and manages his own small advertising agency, doing work internationally. Over the years, he has provided business consulting services to GCF as well.
While the Edwards’ financial contributions have played a part in the growth of Global Campuses, Steve points out that it is really “success that breeds success”. He has seen the concept and philosophies of GCF lead to campus expansion “mushrooming” quite quickly – inspiring more and more campus participants each year.
How will they be sure their support of Global Campuses Foundation’s work carries on? They are happy to share that Global Campuses Foundation is included in their will. Including GCF in your estate plan will ensure the mission is sustained: to support adults with differing abilities to enhance their quality of life as they create, manage and sustain campuses of advance learning. Estate gifts can be made through wills, revocable living trusts, retirement plans or life insurance.
Steve and Nancy’s recommendation to others considering supporting GCF: “When you think about it, every life has been touched by someone with differing abilities.” The work GCF does is very impressive, and you can be assured that every dollar is optimized in the program. Be sure to meet the campus participants directly, as it is not possible to adequately communicate the power, the essence, of the Global Campus experience in words alone.”
To make a donation to GCF, please visit our website at www.globalcampuses.org
To learn more about including GCF in your estate plans, please contact us at info@globalcampuses.org