Global Campus Shiremont began its first full academic year this past fall. The Fall Term offered a variety of educational offerings including topics such as Ocean Biology, Cool Crafts, Musical Mystery Tour, Country Line Dancing, Learning about Butterflies, Hike the Rail Trail, Starman and Nascarman (a CB radio class), Woodland Animals and Be Cyber Smart. Participants recently shared some of their thoughts about the Fall Term:
I only took one class about website safety. It was an interesting class and taught me a lot. By Quinn
I liked Maranda and Carla’s jewelry class. It was fun. By Daphne
My mom taught a class at Lebanon College and she gave me good ideas to teach about my interests. Kim helped me and it felt good to have someone on your side. By Ashley

I liked the Cyber Smart class and cooking at the Haven for our Community Service project. By Stacey

I taught about nature and exercise in my Hike the Rail Trail class. My class went really well and everyone listened to me. We had good weather for our hike. By Nissah
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