Friday, January 14, 2011

GC Moretown Kicks of Winter Interim 2011!

Global Campus Moretown kicked off an exciting Winter Interim this afternoon, exploring the world through story, legend and myth. Andreas shared a few stories orally and then Allison and Roy each read a story while Andreas acted it out in three dimensions with a puppet show. We heard tales from Sweden, Ghana, Vietnam, and from the Pueblo nation of the American dessert southwest. This is what GC Moretown Lee Potter wrote about the day:

Global Campus starts with the ritual passing of the feathered pine stick for a turn to voice each persons passing of time and stories of the New Year. While most of us were glad the holidays were over, there were some that wished the festivities had not ended, and new snow had not come. After everyone had shared we moved on to reading stories that explored the different abstract qualities of life, such as freedom, true love, and the inevitable flaws held within every person. The last story tells of deceit and survival of the fittest from Sweden and America and the path to becoming a man and growing up.

By Lee Willsey Potter, GC Moretown Participant

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